Other health-related information

May 12th, 2010

About required proof of medical insurance in Belarus


May 12th, 2010

As I was cruising around the State Department website for information on visas and travel requirements, I realized that I needed to get some vaccinations — soon.The CDC and State Department recommendations include the following for Belarus:Hepatitis B (recommended for travel to countries with “high or intermediate” infection rates, Belarus is ranked in “intermediate” category)possibly Hepatitis A (several sources vary)(recommended for travel to countries with “high” (and some sources, also “intermediate”) infection rates, Belarus is ranked in “intermediate” category)if needed, Tetanus & Diphtheria boosters

Hello fellow Dokshitsers

March 27th, 2008

I thought it might be useful to have a private online space to collect information of use and interest to the participants in the Dokshitsy cemetery dedication on May 23.I’ll subscribe everyone involved in the trip or the event who wants to participate; I have to sign you up because this blog software doesn’t have a way for you to sign yourself up.So far, I’ve added everyone on Aaron’s email distribution list as a “contributor” who can post entries. I think it should work okay that way. I’ve sent out an email to everyone in this list, including the link to the blog and a password.Anything that might need to be communicated to most or all of the participants can be logged here, including schedules, travel/lodging information, weather reports, etc.As each of us is in the process of planning our own trip, we can post any tips and ideas and links and suggestions that might be of use to the rest of us.We might also post brief personal introductions to get to know each other a bit before we all meet in May.